

One of the best ways to donate is by setting up a regular standing order or by making direct bank payments. If you’d like to make a direct payment into our bank account or setup a standing order, please see bank details below.  If you are a UK taxpayer then please complete the form below.

Gift Aid Declaration Form

Bank Transfer Payments

Bank name: Natwest Bank, UK
Account number: 72082747
Sort code: 60-15-51

Debit Card or Credit Card Payments

What is Gift Aid?

If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue & Customs. For information see GOV.UK.

Why Donate?

The bible teaches that when God wants to embark on a project, like building the church house, God will request the people to donate generously to his project. God in return will reward those donors abundantly far more than they had given to his project. This is the basis upon which we are soliciting for funds & donations for our church building project in Byker, Newcastle. We purchased an old ceramic tiles warehouse with cash (debt free) and refurbished the phase 1 with cash from our savings. Now, we are in the process of building the phase 2 of the project and we need more money for the project.

Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you in return in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.